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Whats the status on the new molds and materials. I havent been around for awhile, but I see that you now have some of these molds. I love Dels molds and CNC molds are perfect everytime. However for simple baits like straight worms, if this molding material truely is as good as you say (and I will trust your word because you have lots of experience) then I think it would be a winner. Now the catch I keep waiting for is the cost. What does the average mold cost and how long before his site will be up?

Just to add my 2 cents... I dont believe anyone here is trying to sell thier products. Passing information is all I see happening. That is GREATLY appreciated. Sometimes things get mistaken for advertising. Like when Del made my Huffer molds for me, I posted the pics and a couple guys got pissed. They thought I was trying to sell them, but I was just trying to help Del out by showing off some custom work. So take it with a grain of salt and everyone just try to enjoy what we have here... Its a beautifull thing.


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Same here BigZ. I've come up with a few prototypes that have caught fish from spring to late summer and need 2-part molds for some, single part molds for others. Anything over $30 ea. would be cost prohibitive.

I won't deal with LC since he won't protect prototype molds from being added to his knock-off list of molds for sale. Besides, I really want a glossy surface for grubs and silicone can't provide that. Plaster is okay, but doesn't hold up after a few years and as Del said, homemade 2-part molds result in mismatches that have to be trimmed.


(I just opened LC purple dye and it was blue, like their glitter. Anyone have the same problem? Anyone find an alternative dealer for dye?)

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Trying to keep this post alive as I'm as interested as all the other guys replying to this potential new material.

I dig the alimunum molds I have but I can see my plaster molds will only be good for so long and then its back to stiring, baking and coating new molds.

Any new info??????????

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