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1st Pour With Lc Plastic

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I made my first plastic baits this evening and had a recipe a friend gave me. My goal was to make some 5" stickbaits the same color he makes. Failed.

I mixed 1 cup LC soft plastic with 1 cup LC medium plastic and heated it in the microwave. It turned from milky to a clearish jelly to a slightly amber liquid. According to my "ray-gun" It was 328 degrees when I pulled it out of the microwave. I mixed in 12 drops of CC Watermelon + 3 dashes of purple glitter + 1 dash of green glitter.

I did not get what I expected but got a what I would call "transparent motor oil" with the colored flakes. I did add 10 drops of heat stabilizer and reheated it multiple times and it did not change color.

Do you think I burned it or is the amber color normal for LC plastic? It didn't smell burnt and the max temperature on a reheat was 341.

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using 12 drops of colorant. for 2 cups of plastic would not be enough colorant.

Start out with a 4 oz (1/2 cup) to start so you dont waste plastic and try 10 drops of colorant.

Add enough drops to get the color and translucency you want.

Stick baits usually have salt added to the plastic which further changes the color and may require even more colorant. Salt is used as weight and is what makes Senkos sink.

You temps seem within range. Each reheat will slightly darken the color. A few drops of heat stabilizer helps reduce this.

You should be fine reheating slowly and stirring every minute. If it is a big block in the cup, cut or break it up into smaller pieces to reheat better. When liquified, add more colorant.

Wear gloves and be careful

Hope this helps....Bill

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Monte,good points


here is how I would do this . ( just how I do it, not that it is the perfect way )

1st make sure your plastic is mixed up 100% - no settling in bottom of jugs

use 4 oz. of soft, and mix with 4 oz. of med. in a pyrex ( thats 8 oz. of plastic in a 2 cup pyrex )

add 2 tables of fine salt

add 1 table of softner - if you do not have softner - use all soft plastic no med.

make sure your watermelon color is mixed well. I micro mine for 15- 20 seconds then skake for 1- 2 minutes

now add the 12 drops of color

now stir all ingredients well before heating

heat for 1 min. take out and stir well ( use a metal spoon )

if it is still like milk and not warm heat 1 minute again ( depends on the power of your micro )

if it is starting to get warm then only heat for 30 seconds- take out and stir well

use this 30 second heat ups till you get to apx. 275 degs.

stir well after every 30 second heat up ( the micro will have hot spots in the plastic so you have 2 stir often )

after you get to- 275 deg. then go to - 20 second heat ups til you get to 325 degs or so. ( stir after each 20 second heat up )

now add glitter and stir well again - yes stir again - check temp - if its below 300 deg. heat 20 seconds and stir well to

make sure the salt and glitter are mixed evenly from top to bottom of pyrex

you should be able 2 pour sticks at 300 deg. (because there are no arms or legs on the baits that are small and need more heat so

then the plastic would need to get thinner for small legs to fill )

now only pour 2 sticks then reheat 20 seconds or so check temp to be apx. 300 stir again

pour 2 sticks ,

only pour 2 sticks at a time be cause the salt and glitter will settle before you can pour a third bait.

hope this will get you going.


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