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Here's a couple thoughts if you're going accept this order for 1000 lures:

- Get at least half the money up front so you can cover hooks, hardware and other purchased parts.

- The upfront money will also assure the purchaser is sincere.

- There's a money laundering/fraud type thing from either Singapore or Nigeria, so watch out for that.

- New idea: It seems there are quite a few craftsmen who hang out here at TU. How about forming a temporary "virtual" factory? Examples: A few folks make bodies, a couple others paint and maybe some others assemble. One or two could package. OR Let's say 10 workers make 100 lures, each, start to finish. The first scenario is probably the better idea since all 1000 of the lures would be more alike.

They don't call me MOO (Master Of the Obvious) for nothing, you know. :lol:

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The money up front thing is an excellent idea LL. I never thought of that. I guess because I personally don't deal in that kind of volume. But that would definitely take care of alot of front line problems. What is this money laundering thing? What happens? The virtual factory thing is a neat idea also. Heck, maybe we should just all quit our jobs and move to Gators front yard and start a commune and just make lures to support ourselves. Man, that brings back memories of the old days doesn't it? B)


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The scam works something like this: You sell an item for $10.00 The buyer pays you $10,010.00 and want $10,000.00 change. Wait. That can't be it. Why would they even THINK they'd ever see the change? Well, there must be some kind of scam to watch out for, so "HEADS UP!"

If we could round up an old school bus to put in Red's front yard. It would have to have a kickbutt stereo. We could paint it Northern Pike. Or if someone had a really REALLY big printer, it could have a photo finish. We can't start making 1,000 lures until the window boxes are made, though. I hear Red's old lady makes some great brownies.

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I haven't told the guys yes yet, I am still undecided if I really want to take on that type of volume. I do know that if he wants that many it is legit, he was referred to me by one of the pros from the FLW and BASS that I do lures for, and he also fishes the BASS. When he first said 1000 lures I thought I was hearing things. For right now I am doing 50 for him. The only reason he wants so many is because he said he knows when he goes to Japan with them they are all going to want them.

Who knows??? :rolleyes:

Guess I got alot of thinking to do.

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I just looked up a couple of places that do lazer engraving. They pay alot for those machines and just love keeping them busy earning money. Remember though that a lazer only cuts a straight line. It will not cut the curve on the top and bottom of the bait. You will still have to do that.


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