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Twist Wire Length

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I was thinking of trying to build a swimbait with twist wire eye holes and a pin for the joint (last time I tried this I failed miserably), but time to give it another shot. I want to make a smaller bait using either balsa or basswood (probably basswood).

My question is, for you builders that make hook hangers and lure joint with twisted wire, what is the shortest length you would go measuring from the back of the eye hole (measuring only the portion of the twist wire that will actually be glued inside the bait)?

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The jointed swimbaits (basswood) I've made used hand twisted screw eyes made one inside the other. I made the screw shanks about an inch long, which is OK as long as you arrange the joints so the screw shanks don't hit each other inside the bait segment. Jmho, you want them as long as possible. I'd be comfortable with 5/8" in basswood if they are glued in with epoxy. It's a judgement call.

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