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Round Baits

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I, aswell as many of the luremakers here, are aware of the balsa bait dulication process of making flatsides with a router and roundover bit. I was wondering if anyone has tried to use a similar process to make round baits like a bomber b2 or bagley?

Kinda thinking about maybe trying a series of chamfer bits or maybe even just a 45* bit by itself. This would result in a sharp ridge at the tail on the sides or a diamond or square when viewed from the rear much like the process of hand carving a round bait. This semi finished lure could then be placed in a rock tumbler or cement mixer and mixed maybe 100 at a time until all the corners are gone and a round bait is produced a little smaller than the blanks that went in. The sharper the original ridge... The more balsa removed... The more taper achieved over time in the tumbler.

Just wondering if anyone has done anything similar to this and how it worked. Any tips are greatly appreciated. Don't want a huge investment just something I can duplicate and tweek for personal use and friends achieving consistant results.

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I've been using this method with great success. It sounds like you already own a router and bits. If you don't have a ready made router table, just mount it to the underside of your work bench and have at it.


I've made some changes to the process since I posted that. If you cut the lip slot prior to glueing the halves together, it's almost impossible to get them to line up perfectly. It's easy enough to make a holding jig for them after they are glued together since they are all the same shape. Also, I have been making the templates two sided so you don't have to cut perfect mirror images. Just flip it over and there you go. I haven't tried balsa yet but PVC kicks butt for this.

Here are some in process .


Finished baits.


No flat sides on these!

Good luck,


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To help with sanding the round edge I use a 1/2" insulation pipe and cut it into half leaving two half round sides, then with some spray adhesive stick what ever sandpaper I want in it, it makes a nice holder and fits nice in the hand, You can also use those pool noodles and cut them in half. I am also sold on PVC for flat sided lures not totally sold on turning them on a lathe yet.

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