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Flat Eye Jig Hooks- Pros And Cons?

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What are your opinions about a flat eye jig hook compared to a conventional eye in let's say a football jig head?

Good and bad- if any

I think the flat-eye or "cross-eyed" jig, as I have always called it, allows a better hookset. I have found this to make the most difference when there is a lot of line out. I fish Tablerock Lake, a clear water lake that often requires casting from a distance when fishing shallow and we also fish very deep a lot of the year. With a lot of light FC line out there and a cross-eyed jig I miss fewer fish.

I haven't noticed a difference in coming through rocks or brush and I don't fish grass/weeds. Hope this helps

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Over the last few years I really became a fan of the flat eye hooks but they are not the only option. I found that the flat eye works better for me in rocks and wood, less hang ups for some reason but in grass or areas with a muck bottom I prefer the standard hook eye, it just seems to come through grass easier. The only time for me that I can use both is on very light stuff, 1/8 or 3/16 seem to be good no mater what kind of hook but in the end I started using a flat eye hook for shaky heads and it worked so well that I got a mold specific for shaky heads that use the flat eye hooks. What it is I'm not sure but I find when I set the hook I get a lot more fish hooked in the top of the mouth with the flat eye hooks, even with regular jigs, maybe it is coincidence but I'd say 70% of fish I hook with a jig that has a normal eye hook I get in the top of the mouth, but with the flat eye hooks in a jig that percentage is at least 80% and that is a conservative number as very few fish are hooked anywhere but the top of the mouth with the flat eye.

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I'm going to agree with smalljaw. If I fish rocks and/or literally drag my jigs on the bottom, without a doubt flat eyes hooks in the jigs. If I am swimming , bouncing or flipping I will go with a regular eye. It's just the way I do it, doesn't make it right, as everyone has their own opinions on this. As many customer as I've talked to, one answer is flat eye for dragging a jig. Reason being is the hook eye is not at the nose or pointing downward. The hook eye is facing up and keeps the line and knot from fraying while it is dragged.

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Thanks for the replies

Wanted to get an idea what the advantages are for this type of hook

Haven't seen any saltwater jigheads (where I fish) using a flat eye hook

After reading the thread talking about the Eagle Claw 2798 flat eye hooks, I was considering modifying some of my molds to take those hooks

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Try this! A Elite series fisherman showed me this. Hold line between two fingers and pull your jig up to fingers and pull through. Your reg jig has trouble going through fingers because of lip on eye. Now try the flat eye jig!! The eye slips between fingers (lips) and starts to seperate and comes through easier. Sort of a wedge if you would. In my mind that makes sense to me!! As Cadman say's everyone has a opinion on this. Thanks

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