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What Size Hooks?

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I see your from texas so i would probably go with the 5/0 or a EWG 4/0 I would be willing to bet you could go a size bigger or smaller without modifying you mold but there is only one way to find out and thats to buy a few of each and make them up I am sure your buddies will be glad to take the ones you don't care for and maybe one hook will be better for some situations and the other will work for another.

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It does depend on the mold but in general most of my jigs 1/2oz and over use a 5/0 hook but it depends on what you want to do. I make a 1/2oz football jig for a guy that uses his own hand poured trailer, his trailer is a little smaller than what you would normally use on a bait that size but he said the secret to it working is that the entire jig and trailer be compact and so he likes me to use a 4/0 flipping hook, not as long and has a smaller bite than the normal 5/0 hook but as with all flipping hooks, it is thicker and stronger.

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