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Shrinky Dinks

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Since the fishing sucks right now, (Postspawn?), I decided to pour a ton of baits. I poured a batch of 6"straight tail worms and turned around and they were half gone. I am using Calhoun, 1 cup plastic, 1oz softener and 1/2 tsp Black glitter with 8 drops LC Jet Black. Maybe it's just cold in the house? Using CNC Aluminum mold (BTS), never seen this problem before. I mixed the 5 gal bucket for about 15 minutes with a hand drywall mud mixer like a giant potato masher. Put the plastic into 5 seperate 1 gallon containers with a funnel. I tried from a different gallon, same problem. No Salt. Any Suggestions fellas? Not a problem in s?nko molds w/ salt or in bigger baits. Maybe it's just cooling off too fast? Regardless it's weird. Z :censored:

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I think I was just pouring a little light and the mold was cold. It's an open face mold, 7 cavities 6" straight tail. I just needed to pour more plastisol in it so it kind of crowns and they come out fine. Practice Practice Practice....and then more practice. I haven't been pouring in anything other than 2 piece molds lately (paddletails and stix), and I just made the switch to this plastic, I guess all the different mixes of LVP behave differently. Texture is perfect on the Calhoun, good stretch and it takes and holds colors really well. I evn finall figured out the damned lee pot with this stuff. :?

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