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Eye Screws

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There are several options in response to your problem. One could be that the oak may not be the best choice of wood. Another would be to do a search and find out how these guys make there own eyes by twisting SS wire to form the hangers and line ties. I believe BOBp has a good grasp on the procedure as well as others. I want to make my own as well, I just havent had the time to perfect the technic so I just keep purchasing them for now. Last but not least, may try using a different size pilot hole.

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An easy way I have found to twist my own screw eyes is this. I use .041 wire. Cut a piece about 3" and fold it in half. Put the two end pieces in a vise, or vise grips. I get a straight 1" piece of a coat hanger and bend it like a 7. Put the coat hanger in a drill, and slide the tip of the coat hanger into the loop. Turn on the drill andpull away from the vise. It works great and its fast.

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I've seen 2 kinds of factory screw eyes; chromed brass and stainless steel. The ss are stronger. As far as factory eyes go, you want to drill a pilot hole that is only slightly smaller than the screw shank. If you're breaking them, the holes were too small. As far as making your own from ss wire, it's easy to do and I haven't used factory screw eyes for years. I just like the look and smaller diameter of hand twisted eyes but it's a matter of taste as much as function - either type works.

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5 Min Devcon will hold anything.


Because it isn't waterproof, only water resistant. Use D2T, which is waterproof.

Sst screws are the way to go.

Drill a looser pilot hole, run them in once, and then back them out and coat them with brush-on crazy glue and run them back in. The glue will strengthen the threads that are cut in the wood, and the glue that doesn't go in, but collects at the base of the eye, will lock it and keep it from rotating.

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