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Google Chrome And Tu

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I recently started using Google Chrome. With Internet Explorer, I experienced the having to click on the back button three times, as several other members also indicated. Well Google Chrome fixed that problem for me, but now sometimes I have trouble opening random paged on the TU site. I get an error message, then have to hit the refresh button a couple times to load the page. Anyone else using Chrome and experiencing this?

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i use Chrome and have no problems. when I want to read a message, I hold the "ctrl" button down and click on the link that I want to open, this opens in a new Tab, so I will click on 5 or 6 links and have 5 or 6 tabs open, then I go to each tab to read, when I am done I close it and then go to another tab, so I never use the back button. Don't know if it works. The reason I use this method is I have dial up for years and I did this so the pages could be loading while I was reading. then when I was done reading a page hopefully the next one would already be loaded.

Back to your question, I have not had any trouble with a page not loading or error messages. I do get a error message when I try to do go to "view new content" when I am not signed in.

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