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Any Body Know Why My Plastic Is Coming Out To Sticky After It Set Up

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I like to have mine at 350° or there abouts. As for not setting up and being sticky. The hardner settles to the bottom. You really have to shake it up or stir it a lot to get it well mixed. I use a piece of clothes hanger shaped in an L. I chuck it in a drill and mix mix mix until nothing is hanging on the wire.

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Just an FYI. The mixer will get it all off the bottom but you still should shake it afterwards. I have mixed it before for over 5 minutes but for some reason I think the hardener is still clumped together even thought its suspended. I just wanted to tell you that in case you mix it and not shake and its still tacky. Hope this helps

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Not always a mixing problem,depend on what kind of plastic your purchasing,i recently purchased some cheap plastic and it wont set up even after 2 weeks,remember cheaper is not always better,im going back to my old plastic,much more expensive but in the long run less time scewing with it,cheaper plastics dont have the satabilizer added and all around are a much cheaper product!!!

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All I use is Calhouns, I have a stirring paddle I made that I turn with a drill to mix well when jug has been sitting for a while. THen while using that 5 Gal container, I simply shake it for a couple minutes. I don't have any problems with the plastic. Clear, holds hook well, I can heat it in presto for 2 hrs while hand pouring. Might go longer, not sure times.I have noticed Calhoun has imiproved their plastic this last year. Does not hard pack nearly as much, and takes much much longer to settle. THier mix is consistant.

But I see alot of people talkin about curing. I tried quite a few plastics, and all of them take couple of weeks to fully cure in my opinion. I use Harder than Med mix, but to be able to pack and lures not get bent or distorted, takes about 2 weeks. If you bag earlier, your riskin a bent lure, which is my pet peve when it comes to lures. Back when I bought lures from Big Manufacturers, I hated loosing 20% of my lures to bent/distorted or laminates that were way off the average, which fish would turn der nose up at. Just my 2.5 cents ;)

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