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Pork Fat For Scent

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Saugerman, toadrog's right I wouldn't add a piece of bacon or anything to the plastic, but you should be fine if you render the fat down. In other words fry the bacon or the pork fat and use the oil that comes off of it in your heated plastic. Almost all oil based materials will incorporate with heated plastisol. Keep in mind later this could leech out of your baits. But that maybe what you're shooting for.

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No, I wasn't talking about adding bacon or anything like that, I meant to save my grease off of bacon, and add a small amout of that to the plastic. I just can't really see how it would not turn cloudy, and maybe even turn spoiled smelling. But I have used plastic that has had it added to the scent,or at least that's what the product says and have always had good luck with their product.

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Thanks for the information, Bass Shack how do you add the pork fat,do you put it in the plastic,or mix it in the scent you normally use,and then add it to the plastic.

I hoped to add it to my anise scent,and then add it to the plastic,Will this work OK? What ratio do you use, pork fat to plastic, or other scent.

Thanks for eneryone's help.

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