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My first crankbait

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Posted a picture of my first crankbait today.

Also a picture of my best paint job so far.

Would very much like to have comments good

and bad, this is the only way I can get better.

So, don't be afraid to offer constructive criticism.



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What's the deal dude??????? You paint just fine. Yours look a hell of alot better than my first paint jobs. You did a real good job on the scales, and the dot on the side of the flat bait is good and sharp. I only see two problems. First you have some over spray from the back stripe on the plastic one and a little splatter from the red understripe on the flat one. It's an paint thinning or an air pressure thing . I still have this problem at times. It pisses me off. I can't stand overspray or splatter. You never see this stuff on Hughesy's baits. Man, I would love to see it just once on just one of his baits. It would make me feel better. If you are shooting lacqer then try taking the pressure up some. I shoot lacquer around 24 to 26 psi. If it is water based. Then try taking the pressure to around 14 to 18 psi. With water based it depends on the paint. I have shot some as low as 12 psi. On my second attempt at lacquer I had the same problem. I shot it at 24 psi. When I took the pressure to 26 and thinned the paint some more it stopped. From the look of it I would say that I would try to thin it a little more or make sure that the tip is clean before you shoot. Next, clean up the template that you use for the gills.

Make a smooth 1/4 moon shape and cut it out with an xacto knife. Make your cut smooth, not jagged. I really like the flat bait. You did an excellent job cutting out the lip and it fits good and clean in the slot. You have nothing to worry about bud...... your doing just fine.


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looks great i hope i can get mine looking that good . oh i bought the compressor at walley world and it came with everything hose and all. all i had to do is plug it in to the wall and the airbrush and start spraying.. see ya kevin

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