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Is There A Mold For This?

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Good luck finding that mold! That's a sweet beaver made by Reaction Innovations. And they probably already sent you a nasty letter. I bought one about 3 years ago right after RI decided to protect their design. A bunch of people freaked out and stopped making them, because of the threat of a lawsuit.

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its funny i remember back in the early 90's(if i remember right) when andre won 2 tournaments on BEAVER lake and when interviewed after the 2nd win he told reporter he was using a bait he designed for fishing BEAVER lake and he was going to call it it "the beaver lake special" and if you search the net i have found it a couple of times. with all this said i do know of 1 baitmaker who used this article and his receipts for buying the molds to prove he had a prior claim as did anyone else who could prove they bought the molds before being patented but after he made that comment could not be held liable; this cost him like 12K to fight out of court and RI left him alone as he was also only doing less than 2000.oo/year in sales but it did help his wife was a very respected patent attorney in MO.

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