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Cormorant Lures

Measuring Color For A Large Batch Of Plastic...

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I have found only one post in which the above topic was talked about... Maybe I am wrong, but anyways...

When I first started out back in August, almost all my batches were limited to 2 - 8oz. per pour... The amount of color "drops" I used were small and remained in the lower double digits... Now that I am pouring 32oz. and sometimes 48oz. batches, the amount of "drops" I need to use are in the 200-300 range!!!

My question is this: For those of you who also pour on a much bigger scale, have you found a way to simplify your color adding process?!? On the only other thread I read on this subject, I heard of people who use syringes and even a sensitive weighing scale for their colors... If using a syringe or scale, do you have a standard way to convert "drops" of color to another measurement for all your colors?!? I would like any new or old thoughts on this subject... Way to many times have I been counting "drops" of color, only to be interupted and not remember how many "drops" I was on... I know there has got to be a better, more simplified way to make consistent colors and not use the "drop" system...

Thank you in advanced!!! Your help is greatly appreciated!!!

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you use a plastic syringe body without the needle, childrens medicine usually comes with them for dispensing. thay come with a cap. i would use the 10ml one, pull out the plunger, put the cap on and fisure out how many drops are in a ml, and then re-work all of your recipes.

the post you saw about weighing it was probably from CarolinaMike, he wasnt using colourant as we get it, he was using the raw form that comes in a paste like consistancy, and you need to wiegh it then mix with a little plasticiser.

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Syringe is a good idea. They are typically marked in ml. Approx 20 drops in on ml so you would need a 15 ml syringe for 300 drops. You'll want to "calibrate" whatever you use (drop size will depend on the container you make the drops from) so you'll have to do some drop counting into the syringe at first to get your measurements right. Use the smallest syringe that does the job. A 10ml syringe would work in your case to measure 10, then another 5 to give you 15 ml total. There are some available from hobby shops for measuring glue, etc. You don't need them to be sterile so no need to pay for that. Here's one on-line source http://www.mcmaster.com/#syringes/=gckdqj . I've bought them on eBay.

Edited by wchilton
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just go to your local drugstore and ask the pharmacist if they have any "free" dosing syringes that you have multiple children and dont want to pass any bugs onto the others and they will usually hand you 3-4 of them luckily for me i have a brother in law that works for walgreens and he gets them for me all the time.

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you have to buy it from the manufacturer directly, you have to buy per gallon with i believe a 2 gallon minimum at (dont quote me as it has been a while since i have seen numbers) a few hundred a gallon. this is the raw pigments the vendors buy to sell us, they cut it and make it affordable for us to buy in small quantity. it is incredibly messy and you need a very good set of gram scales. much easier to just buy the liquids. i just said screw it and started buying pints and quarts.

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