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Cormorant Lures

Multiple Single Cavity Vs. A Few Multi-cavity Molds...

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It seems like every injection production video I watch has someone using 15+ single cavity molds instead of just a few multi-cavity molds... I guess I am confused again... There must be PROS and CONS to each scenario?!? With all the research I have already done on this forum, it seems to me that multi-cavity is the way to go... But on every video I watch, they tend to contradict this scenario all together... Again, your input is GREATLY appreciated!!!

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I only have a handful of molds and the majority of them are single cavity. I have a couple of multi cavity molds and I love em. If I had the choice and the money every mold I have would be multi. For me the pros of single cavity (depending on how many you have and are going to shoot) I have to heat less plastic and can use a smaller injector. The cons: it takes longer to shoot my baits and I spend a lot of time cleaning out the injector and dicing up sprues and reheating. The pros for multi: I can shoot a lot of baits in a lot less time and don't spend near the amount of time cleaning up reheating etc. the cons: Larger injector and melting pot for the plastic. I have decided that every mold I buy from now on will be multi. I haven't been pouring that long and this is all just IMO, I'd be interested to see what some of these guys that have been shooting for a long time have to say as well

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in some cases yes multi cavity molds are the way to go, i have some singles and i would not trade them for the world, they take longer to heat up than my multi cavity molds do and thus i can get more baits out faster as once the molds start getting hot it takes longer for them to set enough to remove. stick molds i want 5 - 10 cav molds (mine are all 5), there are some creatures i have that are 1, 2, 3 and 4 cav. when the 3 and 4 cav get hot they can take a min or 2 to demold. where this wouldnt be a problem would be if you had enough molds that it allows a couple minutes between the time you shoot it to the time you get back to de mold it.

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