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Do-it did it, minnow head spinnerbait mold

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Find a dealer for Do it. they are BIG enough now that they don't need to sell retail. You will also save money if you get the molds from dealers, as they have to compete with other dealers. I get mine from wildbillsbaits on ebay. He gives you a great price. That mold should cost you about $35 instead of $41. But, don't quote me on the price.

shoot him an email, I think he will get the molds for you.


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Wow.. I really like the looks of that one. If anyone starts pouring with one, give me a yell!!!! I'll take at least 50 of them, painted 8O

I've done alot of hunting around, looking at different style heads, and this is probably my favorite so far. I might hafta get started on pouring these things myself soon :rolleyes:

Does anyone have the mold already? bassinmass@netzero.net if you want to sell some of these heads :!:

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There alot of retailers out there with do-it molds.

Best prices for me come from Barlow's.

Most molds are $26 +S and H.

With the mold being new it is hard to say if any one will have it on there website.

And it has greater detail than most of there line.

So the price on these would be a wild card.

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I haven't poured any of these lately, but here are some heads I found from my altered ultra jig molds. Neat head design, only thing that I do not like about them is that the 3D eyes are simply a must-have with the deeply recessed eye sockets on this style, without them it just doesn't look right at all. I do like the mold detailing though, the scale pattern and fin give just enough so it looks great whether painted solid white, but gives plenty if you wanna go Picasso with it. These have gamies black nickles and an over-abundance of primer, don't know what I intended to do with this batch...maybe too many cold ones that night, LOL...but I will clean these up and finish them so you guys can see one dressed out if you want. :twisted: JIM










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