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Deals On Reels - Shimano Curado E Series

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Shimano came out with its new G series Curados for 2012 recently and retailers are discounting the 2010-2011 E series Curados to clear inventory. With Shimano "re-jiggering" their reel lineup for 2012, buying a Curado E series at clearance prices has become a sweet deal. For instance, you can find a brand new 5.7 ounce Curado 50E for as low as $133 right now. Retail a few months ago was $179. Original retail was $199. Small frame, 7 bearings, super-free pinion system, light spool. The E series also contains 200 and 300 size Curados.

Here's the kicker - the new 2012 G series Curados have fewer bearings and quality features and have been priced in the $150 range to recalibrate the Shimano reel lineup. To get a reel with the exact same specs as the Curado 50E, you now have to buy a Chronarch 50G, which retails for $199. Except for changing the paint color and calling it a Chronach versus a Curado, the two reels are virtually identical.

I like Shimano reels and anytime I can get something as good as a brand new Chronarch for $133, I'm a happy camper.

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