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Jason O

Silver Minnow Type Spoon

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I want to make some single hook spoons and I plan on drilling a hole in the spoon to connect the hook.My question is what is the best way to connect the hook .... a rivet or screw with a nut? Will any rivet work? Thinking about using spinnerbait hook . Would something else work better? Thanks for any help.

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I've used normal stainless steal pop rivets with a washer on the hook side with spinner bait trailer hooks... the other thing I'm experimenting with is lead free solider from Home Depot... its a little kit that comes with flux and has a plenty high enough strength to work for this application and just use a propane or map gas torch to melt it... the other thought I had was to use chicago screws however you would end up bending the edges and glueing the threads someway to make sure they stay together... just my thoughts.

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Use a 2X56 stainlless steel Screw and tap into the spoon body. If the spoon is .040 or so a 3/16 screw will hold the hook and weed guard. Coat the screw and spoon's hole with blue locktite. And you are good to go. The solder idea will make you crazy as the heat you need to make the solder adhere will take the temper out of the hook and blade. If you really worry about it screw the hook in and after painting coat with DC2. Hope this helps.

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I have taken the buzz spoons from( jannsnetcraft.com) and have done what you are talking about doing. Take a big spinnerbait hook and use the screw that is sold with it to attach to hook. You can add a skirt in the process our use a grub tail .------ Also you can go to (lurepartsonline.com) PH#-1-800-546-8922 and buy the Rex style weedless spoons. They also come with the screw and spoon plus a weed guard can be order along with them,called Rex Spoon Weedguard. I hope thes helps. STEVE

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