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Praise to Jerry and TU

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I roam the web and visit sites from time to time yet frequent Tackleunderground daily most times more than once to read up. I happen to notice that your site is in the top 10 to top 40 of fishing sites. I want to say Great job.

I could only imagine how many sites there are in all, but looking down the list on page 1 (big fish top sites) there were 72. Knowing a little about the web, I know that you can manipulate those numbers and some do. One of the counters depicts this site as a COMMUNITY DRIVEN tackle super site. I believe that sums it up in a nut shell.

I recently read a post by one of your members "This board is for sharing ideas, not furthering commercial interests". Can you say new slogan? However, I would not be surprised if the likes of the big commercial bait makers don?t visit here from time to time. I know if I was in charge of one, I would :wink: .

Enough said, back to the topic. Thank you Jerry, and thank all of you in this community who have in the past helped me and others so selflessly.

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Ditto from me Jerry. What a community! We Davids stick together, and the Goliaths will follow, but that is always the way when you're leading-edge, for we are the guys innovating tackle trends. Thank you for bringing us together in this form. :!: :!: :!: We all inspire one-another, not to mention the sharing of knowledge that goes on here. I'm sure we're all better tackle makers because of your site! :!: :!:


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