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Reverse Plate Laminates.

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reverse plate 002 (1932 x 1449).jpgJust a tip. I searched this and did not see any posts about this. Many 2 piece molds are mirror images and if the seating pins are the same size you can reverse one side and pour a great 1/2 bait by placing the back of the mold against the pattern. Your sprue width is 1/2 the size but can still be poured. I like to use a narrow tip adapter and injection to get a really nice laminate. It is a nice technique to test your colors with a small amount of plastic. Not all molds will match up. I was surprised at how many do. I have a small grub mold from Jacobs that had a small port in the back side to make this easy. After I played with that I saw you can do it without the port(it's a little harder)..It beats cutting your bait and replacing it in the mold. No seam either. .

reverse plate 002 (1932 x 1449).jpg

reverse plate 002 (1932 x 1449).jpg

reverse plate 002 (1932 x 1449).jpg

reverse plate 002 (1932 x 1449).jpg

reverse plate 002 (1932 x 1449).jpg

reverse plate 002 (1932 x 1449).jpg

reverse plate 002 (1932 x 1449).jpg


Edited by atijigs
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I think one of the professional mold makers did this or offered it as an option. If I recall they did the same thing I did with my experiments in this. They actually planned so they could cut the tip of the sprue to line up in the reverse side so you could easily set your injector in.

Caney Creek molds has plates with the other half of the injection port in. The only problem is you have to buy the additional plate. It would be nice if the port was just cut into the back of the other plate like Jacobs.(for an additional charge) Once mold makers start doing this the 4 color injection bait will be easy. Not quick. Just easy.

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I did not have that result so I will outline my procedure. I sprayed the back plate with pam. Wiped it off so it was a very thin layer. I am injecting. I have an adapter from Jacobs that has a small tip and will fit flush to the top of the mold. I inject one half. Let it cool. Carefully remove the back plate without disturbing the first 1/2. If they move it will be hard to reposition them while they are tacky. I then put the mold together and place it on a griddle that is set on 250 degrees. Heat my second color and inject. If the halves are pulling apart your plastic on your 2nd half is probably not hot enough. I did one set where I had poured the first 1/2 over a month ago. Those worked out great too. I don't think I could do this without injecting. There are some pretty talented hand pourers here. It you can pour the stream down the center of the smaller hole it should work out.

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Sorry about the picture quality. My flash on the camera appears to be broken. The belly of the twin tails was done along time ago. I did a whole bunch of them at one time. Pulled them out. When they are cured they go back into the mold easily. I had a few that I didn't finish. I used them several weeks later. It doesn't appear to matter if the plastic was freshly poured or not.

reverse plate laminates 002.jpg

reverse plate laminates 002.jpg

reverse plate laminates 002.jpg

reverse plate laminates 002.jpg

reverse plate laminates 002.jpg

reverse plate laminates 002.jpg

reverse plate laminates 002.jpg

reverse plate laminates 002.jpg


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Ok so I get the idea behind the plates but when u shoot one side yes u get a perfect bait but when u put the mold back together and shoot second color I see a line where they are laminated and some of then u can pull apart. Any suggestions on this ??

Thanks steve

when you do your second color it has to be hot !!! heat the plastic a little hotter not to much to scorch it..

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