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Weedguard jigs and Powder paint.

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I tried to powder paint a few jigs in the oven tonight and the fiber weedguards got all deformed. I had the oven set at 250-270. Any advice here? I checked the posts about powder coating jigs and they all seem geared towards jigs with no weedguards.

Powder painting seems easier than spraying each jig and then devconing them. I just don't like the weedguard getting all deformed.

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You really should make the investment and pour your own.

At first, you calculate your total expense to get started ..... i.e. melting pot, mold, fiberguards, hooks, skirt matierial , collars, and a skirt tool ...... and it looks steep. Average out the cost per bait and it doesn't seem to make economic sense, especially when commercial jigs are so inexpensive.

But its years down the road that you'll see the cost savings and appreciate making the investment.

I bought my melting pot in 1990, began making spinnerbaits around 93. Its not a lot of money when you think long term. You also get to make the baits your way, use the hooks you want in your baits. Not only will you have more confidence but you'll catch more fish. And its sorta fun to make your own baits.

My only regret is waiting this long to make my own jigs, which I just started this year.

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Sounds like you got a few heads to paint there, LOL. Good advise on pouring your own, but if your situation doesn't allow it then there is always a way or two around. I mold all kinds of lead-heads but I buy alot of heads from different sources too. I like to use vinyl paint when I can get away with it, quick dip and they do fine, not as durable by a far sight than powder but I get by with it. I have never tried it, but I have heard that if you slide an aluminum tube over the weed guard it will keep them from getting damaged by the heat. Pick up a peice of tubing and try it with a couple of them, just let it cool before removing the tubing and I think you will be fine. Hope it helps, let us know how it works for you either way, LOL. JIM

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