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A beginner's first 10 colors to order would be?

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Sure, I know that it's totally subjective, but as a beginner who just ordered his first plastic, what would you suggest are the basic 10 colors to start with?

I'm guessing...

1) Black

2) Green

3) Red

4) Yellow

5) Pumpkin

6) Watermelon

7) Motor Oil

B) White

9) Black grape?

10) Brown?

Do I need blue, purple, amber? Remember, I'm just starting and on a budget. What's your top 10 list? Appreciate your time and advice!

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You must have your primary colors red,yellow, and blue. than you need black and white. Than there are colors that you cant mix like chartruse and floresents. you should also get some powders and some glitters.

with the basic colors and powders and glitter you can make any color. You dont need anybodys recipes. you can match any color on your own it is really easy

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Opinions will vary but what it all boils down to is what colors you want to throw. I throw allot of junebug, redbug and watermelon so I ordered those first. Then once you get into it more you will keep adding colors to your collection. Glitter should be considered also to make the selections you desire. There are a number of good formulas for colors on the sticky at the top of the soft plastic forum. I find myself adding colors about once a month and at present I have over twenty different colors and I am not even close to being content on my color selection and I pour only sticks and flukes. When you start catching fish on your creations it will only fuel the fire :D !


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Opinions will vary but what it all boils down to is what colors you want to throw. I throw allot of junebug, redbug and watermelon so I ordered those first. Then once you get into it more you will keep adding colors to your collection. Glitter should be considered also to make the selections you desire. There are a number of good formulas for colors on the sticky at the top of the soft plastic forum. I find myself adding colors about once a month and at present I have over twenty different colors and I am not even close to being content on my color selection and I pour only sticks and flukes. When you start catching fish on your creations it will only fuel the fire :D !


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Opinions will vary but what it all boils down to is what colors you want to throw. I throw allot of junebug, redbug and watermelon so I ordered those first. Then once you get into it more you will keep adding colors to your collection. Glitter should be considered also to make the selections you desire. There are a number of good formulas for colors on the sticky at the top of the soft plastic forum. I find myself adding colors about once a month and at present I have over twenty different colors and I am not even close to being content on my color selection and I pour only sticks and flukes. When you start catching fish on your creations it will only fuel the fire :D !


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Out west your top ten would look like this.

  • 1: Watermelon Pepper
    2:Green Pumpkin
    4:Smoke blue/black/holo flake
    5:Charteuse (french yellow...LOL)
    6: Brown/Blue
    8: Pumpkin seed
    9: Salt N pepper
    10: sUMMER sHAD (Smoke top/GOld vein/white pearl bottom)
    These colors work all year round in that order. Unresponsive may hit red bug or other colors in the fall. Match the water color tfor best results. Geen pumpkin is usually the all purpose color that delivers in a bad spot.
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Thanks Guys! Your advice was well received. I order and received my supplies this week. My first batch turned out great. I'm using spin casting to make 8 grubs at a time, and they look just like ones I used to buy in the store. I'm well pleased. Appreciate your input!

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