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Tying Thread questions

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Can anyone tell me the best size thread for tying bucktail jigs.? I didnt pay much attention to the thickness when I bought some but now I notice a big difference in 70 size and 140. Also is flat waxed better for this or non waxed. All seem to come out in the end but was wondering what the pros use. Thanks Bob P.

P.S Got my juices running on homemade jigs. 2 days ago I got a 14" 1.5 lb perch on one. A special thrill.

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My skillz at tying are nowhere near as good as DS or Gr8Flyz but I like good old flat waxed nylon alot. It lays flat and doesn't seem to build up. All I can get around here is black but remember that you can paint the thread wraps when your done and go over them with a coat of devcon for a great bead-like finish. Bucktail is easy, just gotta get the tension down and you will be cranking the jigs out. First time I tied bucktail I made a soft loop and then cinched it down on the second loop...as I tighted the wrap the ends of the hair lifted until the tips were staring straight at me, LOL. What else are you tying Bob? Have you tried rabbit yet? JIM

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Hello robertjp.

Celticav is right about flat waxed nylon. I use a 001 nylon and you can tighten it right down real snug. When I tie a bucktail, the first few wraps need to be tightened down good and then I trim out what is sticking up and dab a drop of lacquer in the hair and keeping the thread tight, I just start covering it until I get the shape of head I want. A couple good tight half hitches and more lacquer. Done!!

You can use what ever thread you feel is strong enough to really pull hard on to get it tight. After it brakes a few times, you'll get the fell of the thread and be on your way to riches. ooops! Did I use the wrong word? :rolleyes: The secret for tying bucktail and squirrel tail is lacquer. Don't be afraid to use it. Keep it tight and use the lacquer.

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