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Airbrushing Baits

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okay, so i recently purchased nn Iwata Eclipse HP-BCS,and was wondering what paints to use with it, i keep hearing about creratex, so im thiknking maybe going with them, but other than that, where should i get all of my hardware? what place has the best quality parts?


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ive had really great results and service from coast airbrush out in cali - htey have a huge selection and good prices and the customer service has been nothing short of outstanding when ive had a problem or question

as far as paint goes createx is a good place to start in either standard and/or wicked lines and they can be intermixed with no problems ive found - also autoair and wildlife paints are popular choices too depending on your budget, ablilities, and color preferences.

one thing to consider i learned is to just keep playing with it and trying - the hardest obsticle i had as a newbie was getting the air pressure and paint consistency down - its kind of an art and just takes time and experience to get a feel for it - and diffrent colors can need diffrent combos of thinning and air pressure even inthe same paint lines - it can be fustrating at first so keep at it and it will become 2nd nature out of habit and experience

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