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Do's And Don'ts

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Hello Everyone, well im a complete newbie when it comes to making my own lures and painting and such, but i was wondering if you guys could give me any information on things I should buy, where i should buy them, or even thinks to things you guys think would be important for me to know. things i should do and things i shouldnt do.All help is highly appreciated


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well i was going to go to either jans netcraft or theres Wlures and i was going to order a whole bunch of crank baits from there just to get started because they sell lures in bulk, but i was going to see if i could have my wood shop teacher let me use his lathe. As for airbrush I just bought an Iwata eclipse HP-BCS and was planning on using createx.

where are you getting your hardware?

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It's as simple or complicated as you want to make it.  If you are finishing store-bought bodies, that's a good place to start because you don't have to worry about body design, woods, shaping, ballasting, hardware, etc.  Most guys use acrylic latex water based paints.  Lay down a white color basecoat on a plastic bait and then shoot your colors.  Dry the paint thoroughly with a hair dryer between shots of paint.  Then topcoat the bait with a good clearcoat product.  There are a number of clearcoats that are popular.  The best advice is to explore those options in the hardbait forum before you decide which one will work best for you. 

Edited by BobP
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Hello Everyone, well im a complete newbie when it comes to making my own lures and painting and such, but i was wondering if you guys could give me any information on things I should buy, where i should buy them, or even thinks to things you guys think would be important for me to know. things i should do and things i shouldnt do.All help is highly appreciated


 Start by reading all the post already here and I would start getting a work area set up with all of your tools built like a drying wheel etc. This is also a good place to check some stuff out http://www.lurebuilding.nl/indexeng.html .It is an old sight that hasn't been updated in a long time so some of the stuff is "old news" but I have printed off several patterns and made them and they worked pretty good. Probably the easiest and best one to start making is the grandma pattern. Once you get it copied and pasted on your desk top you can make it any size you like just remember to make it thinner if you make it smaller

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