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Jacob's Injection Press

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Hey guys,

good grief! $2500 what happened? What is the difference since the price increase? This blows my whole budget plan. Hmmm time to rethink. No news of the two color machine yet huh?,.. well. By the way who is Bear? and what is his machine like?


Your serious? He opened his biz up , and is the one that changed how alot of people make lures, he is the one that brought the hand injection into reality for the average lure maker. www.bearsbaits.com

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Your serious? He opened his biz up , and is the one that changed how alot of people make lures, he is the one that brought the hand injection into reality for the average lure maker. www.bearsbaits.com

Kajan is right. Bear does have a 2 colour bench top machine on his site now (around $5k), but hold off, there is a more economical solution coming very soon from him for 2 colour use.

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Kajan is right. Bear does have a 2 colour bench top machine on his site now (around $5k), but hold off, there is a more economical solution coming very soon from him for 2 colour use.

now im stoked to see this thing released, ive been asked not to give details but from what i just heard about it i really cant wait. very affordable (think far less than jacobs press) will handle both single and 2 colour. if everything works like i have been told it does it will be very consistent as well.

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will be out soon is all i got. he doesnt want to rush it. the unit is completed and has been working great for a few weeks now, but he doesnt want to release it without having a good supply on hand. when Bear is ready he will let it out, keep an eye on his website.

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Bear's was making injectors and selling molds and plastic 30+ years ago?

I made a few baits in my Uncle's basement back in 1980. What was around back then was limited, but it was around. The Internet is what brought bait making to the average guy who wanted to play with it.

In defference to the Bear's fanboys (before they get all up in arms... again) Bear's does some awesome things and has a great array of products, but he didn't invent plastisol, and he isn't the first one to pour some out in a smaller container and sell it to the small shop bait maker.

No, Kajan wasnt saying that in any way Bob, Bear was the first to bring a commercially available hand injector specifically designed for injecting plastic, he was also the first to make smaller injection molds available to us (others had made them for customers but Bear was the first to bring them out as a stock item)

if you re-read Kajan's post Bob, that is what he is saying, he said nothing about Bear being in business 30 years ago.

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This is one of a few post where I have to disagree with you Bob, Sorry. Kajan didn't say Bear invented plastisol or that he was the first one to put it in a bottle to resell it. That may have been MF but I didn't pour baits 30 years ago. I just remember seeing their bottles in the stores.

Kajan said bear "changed" the way most of us hobbyist make baits now.

There were hand injection systems out there before Bears. I've seen some old heated hand injectors used by a few who kept them to themselves. Guys also used plastic syringes, metal pastry tools, napa suction guns, etc, but to his credit, Bear did help change the way "most" guys make baits now by marketing his hand injection molds and injectors. Before that, the majority of the molds were top pour gravity fed and the majority of the guys were using lee pots, pyrex cups, pouring pans, modified presto pots, etc to fill them. Others suppliers did have large injection molds available for the few that made a ton of baits with the napa type grease guns but they were not used by the majority of home bait makers.

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@ J Lure - Don't be discouraged...there are plenty of good sources out there. Another good option is to buy Silicone and make your own molds.

If you don't see something on the market that you like, you can have molds custom made. I have gone that route with Jason at Caney Creek, I think Kevin at Bass Tackle will do the same as well.

As far as equipment goes, you can go a long way with what is readily available once you get enough molds and a system in place for production.


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This kinda reminds me of the "other" thread. A general positive just won't be accepted by certain zealots.

P.S. I was actually turned off about the prospects of buyng the equipment discussed in that other thread by the response of those who were so fanatical supporters. Interestingly the more I think about the product itself the more insterested in it I am. The more I think about the responses who were not happy I dared to voice less than a fanatical and worshipful opinion the less interested I am in buying the product.

Funny huh. (Not really.)

Simmer down there buddy. you are coming off with the im better than everyone attitude, who came up with this "fanboy" thing any way? kinda makes you sound like you are in 7th grade.

prior to Bear releasing the hand injector and injection molds the only options we had were jann's injector (which has been proven to be quite harmfull) and plastic molds, or using a meat injector, grease pump, cattle syringe etc.

it wasnt untill Bear released the hand injector that the average hobbiest could afford to get into injected baits plain and simple. Show me where a purpose built relatively safe injector (not Jann's) was available to the public at an affordable price (similar to what they sell for now) and publically available and affordable CNC injection molds before Bear brought them to the market and i will bow down to the all knowing soft plastic king of TU.

this has absolutely NOTHING to do with an affiliation with Bear, i buy some colourants and flakes from him, but i buy just as many from LC as well, i have molds from Bear, but i have molds from BT and Del as well. I get all my molds now from a local machine shop, i buy plastic direct from the manufacturer, so no, being a "Fan Boy" as you so immaturly put it has absolutely NOTHING to do with it. i just have no problem giving credit where it is due.

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Bob I meant nothing by that at all. I wish there was more companies than we have now so that I would have more options in general. I believe that one can Never have to many options. I guess I've been watching too much History and Discovery channel tv and see what a industry power house we Use to be. All I was trying to do was encourage more people and companies to bring us more options. I'm the kind of guy that when I go shopping for mustard I like to have a lot of choices and multiple options, such as honey, spicy, brown. I do appreciate your advice. I guess the doesn't play with others came out on that last reply. Ha

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A self responding and self defining post if ever I saw one. Funny (really this time).

i didnt think you would be able to show me an injector.

I USED to have a lot of respect for you Bob, for the insight and knowledge you brought to this forum.

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Bear's was making injectors and selling molds and plastic 30+ years ago?

I made a few baits in my Uncle's basement back in 1980. What was around back then was limited, but it was around. The Internet is what brought bait making to the average guy who wanted to play with it.

In defference to the Bear's fanboys (before they get all up in arms... again) Bear's does some awesome things and has a great array of products, but he didn't invent plastisol, and he isn't the first one to pour some out in a smaller container and sell it to the small shop bait maker.

All Kajan did was post a fact, and this is your response? who is walking and quacking like a duck?

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Which fact exactly. Are you claiming Bear invented the Internet now? ROFL. Come on. He will have to fight with Al Gore over that claim.

not claiming he invented anything at all Bob, and no one has claimed that either, nice of you to actually read the posts before shooting your mouth off :rolleyes:

Edited by SHK
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Seems one statment I made has cause bou'cou' friction. Well I have made my own molds and lures since 1987. Mostly because the stores could not keep up with the plastics I used catchin speckled trout. So I was forced to make my own in a few colours that I used the most.

For the record, I don't own one alum mold or an injector, I make all my own molds and pour from my own pots. I took some information I learned on TU (which if you look back I gave TU acknowlegment of), to make my own pots which I think I made great improvments on, which I shared here.

So wanted to get that all out der. Bear is a frien' of mine, I am not a member of any fan clubs, of any sports people, or any bass fishermen, ect. THere are people I care to talk to and others I don't, freins, acquaintances, and Others. Seems I will now have to consider Bob a " Other". I try to state facts when IL post, but evidently some " Others" dont' like facts.

So I hope I cleared up the murky susbstance that " Others" have spued out onto this forum.

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Sarcastic over statement to cut through a certain haze.

??? Sarcastic over statement?

This is coming from a "Bear Hater" who ask if Bear invented Plastisol, the internet, etc?

No one here is claiming Bear did. Yes the internet, this site helped people create baits, but the fact is when bear started selling his injection molds and injectors, that changed the way a lot of us are doing it today. Some may know Bear and I have had our disagreements. I'm far from being a Bear "Fanboy" or "cheerleader". Frank could probably confirm that. All I did was disagree with you and state some facts.

So you injected baits 30 years ago, congratulations!! And now you can machine your own molds and make runners so that the cavities vent up at the tail ends so as to create perfect baits without voids. Ingenious! You are a true pioneer and innovator in this craft and so much better than the rest of us.. (yes, now this is what I call sarcasm)

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