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Repainting New Lures?

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I chose using the laquer spray paint over the air brush because of the water paint with the air brush system. So far the laquer looks so easy to use. Plus i'm more interested in the metallic finishes with the laquer. What are you guys using?

Edited by 1911crazy
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Ok i'm testing the waters in painting lures. I'm using testors metallic laquer spray paint as a base for the roths rattle bomb can metallic spray paint. I just did a gold metallic laquer with the metal flake over it. Now the lure has metal flake mirrors in every direction. I'm looking for the best fish attractant.

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there are alot of water based paints in metallic colors and are alot better as to cleaning between colors theres gold,silver,copper,blues reds ect..and the colors can be sprayed in an airbrush so you can get the details in the baits and thats hard to do with a rattle can also alot better clean up after spraying in the brush hope this helps

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There's nothing wrong with solvent based lacquers except the spray is toxic and you have to wear a mask rated for organic solvents to use them, which many guys don't want to do. As far as water based acrylic paints, Createx is the industry standard in quality. Createx also makes Auto-Air which include some pearls and metallics. I mix and match water based colors from any manufacturer to find the colors I like. I often buy from Wasco, http://www.taxidermy.com/ and like Smith Wildlife paints the best. Createx makes acrylic paints in 2 variants: opaque and "transparent". You can layer colors for more life-like fish effects with transparent colors. But you will still need a few opaque colors for white color basecoating, etc. The Polytranspar Superhide White is the best white basecoat acrylic I've ever used. Most of the taxidermy paints come in only one acrylic variant, most often transparent. Be mindful that most taxidermy paints are stocked in both water based acrylic and solvent based lacquer types, and it's easy to order the wrong type.

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Bob, that is an excellent answer. It made me go check my stuff too. LOL I use createx Opaques and Transparents.

I like Apple Barrel reds and yellows. I have some Folk Art oranges and browns and a medium grey.

A few of Anita's oranges, greens as well as a few bottle of their metallics in silver, gold, and green,

Palmer Natures Hues has a line of metalics and pearls. Some neons from Craft Smart. Some transparent glass paints, There seems to be a mixed bag here. I tend to pick and choose colors and not brands.

And shooting metallics requires a larger needle. You can shoot most anything through a #3, but with the metallic flake, you probably need a #5.

Here's a link detailing the various brands of acrylic paints:


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