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faster u fool

Modifying The Poison Tail...

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New guy here says hello........Man this is a great source of info. You guys really know whats up. That leads me to my question. I'm gonna start to make my own swim jigs and swim blades. I like the poison tail jig mold, but would like to spruce it up to make it my own. alot of baits co. here in San Diego use this mold. I would like my own baits. So have any of you modified your molds like adding more detail, gills, accenting, ect. I'm thinking I can do it but thats just a thought, ..lol.. Ok I just saw timturr hasn't been online in quite a while so can I add. have any of you modified a jig mold into a spinnerbait mold also ..Thanks in advance..


Edited by faster u fool
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If you plan on powder coating by dipping into a fluid bed, you will lose the fine details on the poisontail jighead so you might be wasting your time by adding more detail.

I'm guessing that you are referring to the reebs bolt thrower spinnerbaits? He does nice quality work

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x2 on what sdsaw said. Not to sound negative, but realistically all baits whether that have exotic designs catch the fisherman's eye more than anything else. Yes he does excellent work and all of us tacklemakers sell to fishermen, becuase if we sold to the fish we would all be wasting our time and lose money.

As far as cost goes that is relative. I would rather have a well tuned good vibrating spinnerbait made out of piano wire that catches fish, than have a beautifully painted spinnerbait that doesn't catch fish. Honestly I've caught alot of fish with chipped up or raw jigs. So I do believe that color is more of an eye candy for fishemen than anything else. JMO

Edited by cadman
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One thing I love about tackle making is that I can give 5 people the same material, paint and mold and when all were finished I would have 5 completly different looking lures. For me a good spinnerbait has to be able to come throught grass really well, it must run true, and it has to have a head first fall and catch fish. I love my poison tail jig but only as a jig because the ultra minnow spinnerbait is one the best designs I ever used. I spray powder paint to do my spinnerbaits, I did the vinyl thing and used an airbrush but it is more of catching fisherman than fish as I think detail is needed in a crankbait or jerkbait as it is going to stop at times but spinnerbaits aren't like that, they work by moving quickly giving the illusion of something alive instad of looking like it. For that reason I began spraying powder, it allows me to blend colors for seamless transitions and add shading effects that when in the water and moving it gives off the right profile and color flash of a baitfish and it makes the fish bite. Too often I see people wanting to copy good baits but why do that when you can make your own and possibly better bait, that is where the fun is, seeing what you can dream up and make. I think the posion tail would make a great short arm drop spinnerbait, that is what I would do, make a specialty spinnerbait that has a big colorado blade on it and when you drop it next to a bluff bank it falls nose down and helicopters all the way down and if it hits the bottom you give it a quick rip upwards and let it fall again. You can make it a night time bait too by adding a black blade or black nickel blade as well as dark paint and skirt, I know guys in TN that fish Dale hollow love those types of baits and they are hard to find. Just some things for you to think about.

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Thanks for mentioning me in your post but the real experts here and have already given you better advice than I ever could. Cadman and Smalljaw are two of the finested tackle makers there are. I have modified the Poison Tail Jig mold into a spinnerbait mold. I do exactly what smalljaw said. I use it exclusively for nighttime spinnerbaits and I think it makes a fine one. I think the wide head pushes alot of water and the heavier weights are good counter balances for large single colorado blades. I personally paint extra detail onto the lure rather than try to make the head have more detail. You can do this using Cadman's method or you can do it using an airbrush. Either way fish don't care but I have to do something to make my baits to stand out in the stores so I try to fancy them up a little. There is alot more to a spinnerbait than the way the head is decorated. Not all spinnerbaits are equal. Hooks, wire, swivels, blades, blade spacing and skirt all play a critical role in making a quality spinnerbait. This is a tried and true lure that has alot of room to make changes and improvements. My best advice is to experiment and have fun doing it.

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As you can see by the responses here, all the guys that make spinnerbaits say the same thing. Everyone on this site that makes tackle has there own little niche in the custom tackle making world. As you can see Tim does beautiful painted spinnerbaits, he definitely can airbrush better than I can. smalljaw does beautiful air brushing with powder paint. We are all unique in what we're good at and that's what makes are baits stand out. Whether you like Tim's or smalljaws or whomever, start by making sure your spinnerbait works effectively. Then you can concentrate on how you want to paint it and how much you want to put into it.

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