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Toaster Oven Paint Cure

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How are you guys using toaster oven to cure powder paint jigs hanging them in the oven?

Looking at ovens to bake with don't see how I can hang them without making some type of rack to suspend them. Any ideas and info appreciated.

Also bake at what temp and how long?

Thanks for your expertise!

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Depending on what size jig you are doing, flip it upside down, use the rack to hang them. We draped a sheet of heavy duty alum. foil over the elements.

I had since found an old one at a yard sale that has a very large opening. You can get 'em cheap at yard sales.

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I found mine with a raised rack at a yard sale....think I bought it for a buck. I have seen some new ones with double racks :yay: but they are all about 125 times what I spent on mine. I can hang 120 3/8 oz jigs at a time. It definitely has paid for itself many times over but I'm now leaning toward the new double rack oven idea as I have out-grown this one :) . As to what temp and how long I shall refer to an abomination amoung men :whistle: and say read your directions that come with the paint. Depending on what paint you're using the cure times and temps differ. Every supplier including Pro-tec that I have bought from has had curing temps and times. The standard seems to be anywhere between 350 and 400 degrees for 10 to 20 minutes. Every person on here I'm sure has their own special formula, the best is probably start at the recommended temps and times and fine tune to your liking from there. Good luck!!!

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I found a couple of bakeing cooling racks at VOA store, paid a couple of bucks for them, modified them to fit and those are what I use. I can cure about 100 jigs at time, since I'm making for myself the setup works good. I use Pro-Tec and Powder By the Pound Ral powders, the cure rates are the same, 350 at 15 or 20 minutes. Sometimes I get a bit busy and they have gone up to an hour, didn't seem to hurt them.


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