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What Reducer For Createx Airbrush Colors

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I've tried water and the Future acrylic floor wax/water mix and I like the Createx 4011 reducer the best. As far as what ratio to mix it that depends on what your trying to do. If you trying to do small detail work you'll use more reducer than if your just wanting to thin the paint for general spraying. I'm not an airbrush artist by any means, but the only way I've been able to do any detail work is to thin the paint and turn the air pressure down. I use less than 5 psi air pressure a lot of the time and this requires the paint to be thinned quite a bit. I can't give you a precise mix ratio as I never measure it. I would say when the paint gets thinner than milk and a little thicker than water your pretty close to the mix I use to spray details. If you reduce it too much you will know immediately as the paint will spider web and won't stick together. Try experimenting with different mixes until you get something your comfortable with and you'll soon be able to know when you've got it right just by how it drips off your stir stick.

hope this helps,


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