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White Powder Woes

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Hey all- Need some serious help in getting white pearl powder from colombia coatings to work in my fluid bed. I've tried, coffee filter, tyvek, brown bag, and computer paper. Nothing seems to work.

I'm trying to lay on a base coat on 3 in jigging spoons.

I'm new to this so any suggestions or help would be appreciated.

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You can also try vacuum cleaner bags. I have found that some powders do not work well in a fluid bed as they are hevier than others. White seems to be the worst. However depending on where you get your powder from,other colors are just as heavy and problematic.

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I use the pearl and haven't seen an issue with it anymore. I am using 3" wide by 4" deep cups, and they are 3/4 full with powder. 20 Gallon+ size fish tank air pump. When I try certain powders like this, and for some reason pink, it helped me to fill the cup higher. Also, am using the thin brown paper lunch bags as filter, and avoid the seams being used.

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When my powder doesn't "float" I shake the reservoir to get it up and floating as I dip.

All it takes is a quick swirl or shake and the powder will fluidize and you can dip but you need to remember it will only work for 1 jig, you have to give a little shake every jig which doesn't bother me too much. Like the others have said, some colors just don't work well in a fluid bed like green pumkin, and white, those two colors will not "boil" but a little agitation and it is fine.

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