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Little man baits

What Type Of Plastisol

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Ok so I soon need to get my hands on some more plastisol and I want the guys opinions on here I mostly pour sticks and will be pouring chunks as well. And I use salt in all my

Stuff my

Question is what is the best bang for my buck in flexibility and cost wise and also what's the best way to get it across the border with out custom charges if possible at all....I am looking at getting 5 gal.

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If your going to buy 5 Gallons I would suggest Caney Creek. It's really good stuff and the bag in a box thing is cool. Also, it doesn't hard pack so you don't need to shake the heck out of it or use a mixer, just turn the box over a couple times and your ready to pour.

Don't get me wrong, Calhoun is not a bad plastisol, I have 2 drums of it and use it every day....BUT when Caney Creek starts selling drums, we'll probably switch.

The other thing I like about Caney Creek is how dry the baits are right out of the mold. Anyway, that's my 2 cents.

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