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Hello all! I ordered a bottle of pearlescent from Jann's. I was thinking that I would use this in conjunction with any color to give the bait a pearly finish. I tried it for the first time last night. I tried making a bait with 12 drops of the pearlescent in the plastic to see how it would turn out. It didn't really look any different than just a plain old clear bait. I then added about 3 drops of white to the plastic to see what happened and the bait just looked like a pale white. I then added more white and more pearlescent and I really did not notice a difference. I could tell in the Pyrex container that it looked pearly, but when the lure cured, it did not look all that pearly to me. I compared them to some regular white baits I made and really didn't notice a difference. Is the pearlescent supposed to be used in this manner? Maybe I should have picked a darker color instead of white. Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you in advance!


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Did you shake the bottle of pearlescent really well? It may have settled. I agree about pearl powder being the way to go...that's what I've always used. Most of the soft bait suppliers like lurecraft, bearsbaits, etc. sell pearl powder and it isn't very expensive.

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Thanks guys! I did shake the bottle really well. I noticed the settling, so I shook some more before adding to the liquid plastic. It did look pearly in the Pyrex, but just not in the bait. I will definitely try adding even more drops of the pearlescent. I added about 15-20 drops to 6 oz of plastic. Sounds like I am going to have to add quite a bit more. I will buy the powder instead from now on. Thanks again guys!

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That is a great idea, to buy the pearl powder. It goes a long way. One tip on buying pearls, if it says hilite it will milk out the color a bit. If it says pearl it should be the color you order and will keep the color more true. Frank

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Where are you evaluating your color? I pour in the basement and always evaluate new colors outside and in the sunshine. It makes a difference.

I pour in my garage. I had assumed it did not look right because it was darker in the garage. The next morning I took a look at them outside and that is when I decided to post on here.

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