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Vent Hole Problems

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Okay guys I made a 2 part pop mold of a senko and frog. I had problems with th not filling so I added a vent hole to each foot of the frog and the bottom of the senko. Still they would not fill and plastic would go in the vent holes

I added a vent hole to the side of each so they fill 1/4 times but they usually have a dent. Any solutions guys?

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My vents are usually 1/16" as well. Are you hand pouring or injecting? With my pop molds, I use those cheap plastic injectors from Jann's and they work well for me. I think that might work out for you. I would buy a few because they do not last long.

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My vents are usually 1/16" as well. Are you hand pouring or injecting? With my pop molds, I use those cheap plastic injectors from Jann's and they work well for me. I think that might work out for you. I would buy a few because they do not last long.

I could show you scars from when I tried those darned things. Be very carefull.


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Okay first I'm pouring

Second I made the pour hole a lot bigger with no luck. The head came out hollow unfortunately

Easily fixed. Once the mold is full the plastic starts to cool and shrink. As this happens the liquid plastic getts sucked down into the mold creating the hollow. To solve this just keep topping off the sprue until it stops getting sucked down.

Another hint to getting the legs full is to pour your plastic just a little hotter and make sure that the plastic goes into the mold without hitting the sides of the entrance hole into the mold.


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Make sure the plastic is hotter than normal so that it pours thinner. As Nova said, keep topping it off until the air bubbles stop rising to your pour hole and then fill it some more. When pouring frogs I always have molten plastic run down the sides of the mold. It is easy to clean off. Keep the mold vertical and let it set longer as the body is thicker and it takes longer to cure.

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I have a POP mold that didn't pour right, but there wasn't enough meat in the wood frame to enlarge the sprue holes.

So I wrapped the top of the mold with duct tape, and let it extend up 1". When I pour the mold I fill the duct tape reservoir with hot plastic, and don't have any more problems with voids or shrinkage.

I learned from that mold to make my wood lure boxes out of 3/4" material, so I can have larger sprue holes.

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The side vents might be causing your issues. Try filling in the side vents with pop and see if that helps. I only vent the bottom of the mold. You just need a way for the air in the mold to escape while the plastic is being poured in. Too many vents may do more harm that good because as the plastic cools it shrinks and pulls in air and also causes dimpling.

Edited by CrabbyBass
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