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Choosing A Rod For....

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Looking for suggestions on rods for a specific application. Not necessarily looking for specific rods, but more of types of rod (action, length etc).

Looking something for pier shore fishing. Something that can cast as far as possible. Casting rigs with 1oz - 1 1/2oz sinkers with live bait primarily leeches and occasionally baitfish and crawlers on #8 / #10 line. Ideally 7ft.

Previous I have been using a pass-me-down 6'6 med FW ugly stik that is rated only up to 5/8oz but I have been using this for over a dozen years w/o any problems. But the rod is slowly falling deteriorating. I bought an Okuma Tundra surf rod bc i saw it had a higher weight rating and sounds like that is the idea of a surf rod but I quickly returned it because it look like it was for catching sharks. I just need something that is fairly light and thin that can handle the pikes and LMBs.

Should I just stick to what works or is there a better option? Are there any surf rods (spendier) that might fit the bill? Other option might be Ugly Stik Tiger which seems like FW rods with higher weight ratings.

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Yeah, I learned to fish as a kid only on the Ugly and fished every technique with them only until about a few years ago so that way of setting the hook is the most natural way for me. Tip down and either pull up slack or let the fish pull the slack and then the over-the-head hook set.

i am still very noob with my xfast, and fasts (not as bad) because of this tendency. Sometimes I use treble type lures with a fast out of convention, LMB throws my hook so easily, either that or I am ripping it out.

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