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Bobby Saffel

Purple Bleed Question

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Hey guys I got a question,

I am somewhat new to soft plastics and am having a little trouble with purple. I am still on my first jar of flakes and having trouble with purple flake turning my baits a shade of purple. I am using .035 purple flake and it's really bad. I have noticed if I keep the temp below 320 and stir it in the microwave every 20 seconds it isn't as bad. I also have a bottle of .015 purple flake and it has yet to turn a batch of plastic purple. I don't have to stir it as often, 30-45 seconds and can get it a little hotter. Is this normal with the larger flake compared to the smaller one ir do I have a bad batch of flake or something. Sorry for posting this, but since I only have had one jar of flake I have nothing to compare it to.

Thanks guys

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A quick search will show you loads of posts about purple flake.

It is notorious for bleeding.

If you can keep the heat down to maybe 300 or even less, bleeding will be kept to a minimum.

Purple flake does not like being reheated at all.

Good luck.


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I did some reading about purple flake bleeding before I posted my question. I just didn't understand how the smaller flake is so much stable than the larger flake and didn't know if I had a bad batch of bigger flake. I did some baits last night and kept it around 315 and it did ok. I have to keep it around that temp or the fingerings on my brush hogs won't be complete. Thanks.

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The violet, grape and fuscia colors I sell all have problems with temps over 300 and reheats, with grape being the worst. Sometimes I think it's the different brands of plastics but one thing is for certain: no bleed under 300 first time pour; slight bleed on the reheat.

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