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Senko -vs- Yum Dinger

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I went fishing yesterday and before I did I went to the tackle place to buy some senko's. Well after seeing the price I thought I'd try some YUM Dinger seeing how there cheaper.

To make a long story short I caught so many Bass I lost count. I talked to alot of other people on the lake who were using Senko's and while they were catching Bass I was out fishing them 3to1.

Are these baits better or do I just have better luck?

Also, Is it normal for these types of baits to start to fall apart after catching 3 or 4 fish?

Thank you,


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Senko was first is all. Initially, they were so successful that most of us didn't care if the sales hype (about the secret salt content being the big factor) was accurate or not. Now that time has passed and some of us have branched out to experiment with other brands, (even making our own) we've discovered it's the presentation that makes it so successful. The slow vertical fall with just a little quiver from both ends is a killer! The greatest ingredient in this bait is confidence. After a day out on the lake like you had - you're a believer! (A believer in the presentation, that is, not in a brand name.) My hat still goes off to the Senko people for being innovative and the first, but my pocket book and the bass have convinced me alternative brands and homemade are just as successful.

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I was in sticker shock at the price also and found a great alternative. I bought a pack of zoom ultra vibe speed worms and cut the tails off. Measuring from the nose I cut them at the 4 inch mark and some longer. I fish them weightless texposed on a 2/0 worm hook. I cast to likely spot near cover/structure and let sink to bottom....wait 30 seconds, lift to feel for fish and if none, reel in and try another likely spot. For whatever reason, watermelon/red does the best of the zoom colors....something magic about the red glitter.

With a pencil soldering iron you can weld the flat hooktails onto super flukes and bass assassins to make great topwater baits....weld the hooktail on flat, not up and down and it makes a great little buzzbait type effect when retrieved on top......also fished weightless.

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