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Video Of Small Lure Making Factory

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Cast is by far not a small company. They do a lot of stuff for major manufacturers. Cast actually bought out lurepartsonline.com a couple years ago and use it as a retail front for much of their stuff.

The company Cast bought out was Stamina, and actually I'm glad they did, when you placed an order with Stamina it would take 2 weeks until it arrived and when it did you would usually have at least one item that was backordered. Right now they do a really nice job with not only getting new stuff in and having it in stock but also the customer service, top notch.

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No problem, its amazing how you can search for hours for something you want and cant find it. Then when your looking at something totally irrelevant there it is! Ya i guess it's not small at all for a fishing tackle manufacturer, certainly much much larger then my "plant" (a small shed like building lol) ...I have worked in a very large manufacturing plant that makes pieces for air compressors so i guess i was comparing it to that...Anyways ya looks like they have quite the setup, i especially like the homemade track that the jigs were being hung on to be passed through the heat lamps, pretty neat.

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do a search on tekcast industries and you will find the silicone there. They come in discs, 1/4" thick by a diameter of either 9" or 12". Normally it takes 2 discs for the bottom and 2 for the top/lid. The disc are the consistency of clay. After you layout your mold, you put it in a vulcanize frame and then put in a vulcanizer to cure the silicone. This puts it under 3000psi and cooks at 340F for a little over an hour then it has to cool for a couple of hours. then you are ready to go.

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