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How Many Weedguards Per Bottle?

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Hello all!

Newb here, love the site and many thanks to Cadman for helping me get here. I am a longtime bass fishin fool but I'm a new luremaker, starting out with Arky style bass jigs.

I have been using the super glue gel .14 OZ bottle and I have gotten about 50 WG's glued in and the bottle is acting like its out.

Is this about right?

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I have been filling the WG hole nearly to the top and putting the loose end of the WG in the hole. Maybe I should back down how much I am putting in the hole?

I do get quite a bit of glue coming out after I insert the WG...

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Hey M-D,

Welcome to TU and I'm glad the admin. got everything straightened out for you. I am of the different belief, as I fill the hole nearly to the top. Some jigs have really deep weedguard holes while others are more shallow. I have found from my experience that when I used a lot less, the glue settled at the bottom of the hole and didn't glue in all the strands properly. They would then fall out. This is just my opinion. Experiment with it and let us know what you find. Like mentioned 50 jigs doesn't sound bad at all.

One other trick I found which will get you more weedguards glued in is this. Turn your super glue bottle upside down. Take a pair of small channel locks and when your ready to glue, squeeze the handles on the tube (where normally your fingers would go) with the channel locks. Believe it or not you will get a lot more glue out of that bottle. When you're done, cap the tube and leave it turned upside down. When you're ready do the same next time until you will eventually run out. I would say you could do another 10 jigs with this little trick.

Believe it or not those bottles are not full. The bottle is about twice the size or more of what liquid is in the bottle. Unfortunately, they do not fill by volume, but by ounces marked on the bottle.

Edited by cadman
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