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First pouring experience was a disaster!

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I tried the Microwave method. I just couldn't get the consistency right. It was too thin, then it was too thick, all of the glitter made a big gob in the middle, so I couldn't pour, all of the salt just clumps up on the bottom, etc., etc. All I ended up with was a big mess and a lot of wasted plastic. So I have a couple of questions for you all-

1. What do you do with the wasted batches of plastic that didn't turn out?

2. Cleaning tips? I had a mess!! I didn't know what to do with all of it. how do you clean you molds and your Pyrex?

3. When the plastic gels up really thick is it ruined, or will it this out again if you keep heating it?

4. How long should it take for the baits to set? (Del's 2 piece stick mold)

Thank you. Any other tips for a newbie, would be greatly appreciated.


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Generally plastisol will be thin until it reaches 300 degrees or so, then it will gel and from there thin out again. Sounds as if you did not wait long enough. Remember to stir alot if you have lots of salt or glitter mixed in. Try microwaving that last batch again, heat it for 5 min or so at power level 70 and check it, keep doing that until it thins out and stir it up after every 5 minutes. You will get the hang of it, we have all created large clouds of smoke at one time or another. The baits should set in a minute or two depending on the mold temp/size of the mold. Cleaning should not be much of a chore if the plastic was cooked properly....it should just peel out to be reused later.

Keep at it !


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Mike gave you all the right advice.

The only other thing I would check after thinking about what you said is the mixture. If your plastic mixture is not COMPLETELY mixed up, the plastisol will never 'set'. It will still go through the same stages but not as thouroughly. If you think you shook it enough before pouring into the pyrex, shake it twice as long. Depending on the brand of plastic you're using, you might need to use something like a screwdriver to loosen the hardener from the bottom of the plastic container.

Try mixing it up a little better and give it another shot! It'll work out :wink:

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Tip the container upsidedown at look at the bottom. If there is a 'solid' stuck to the bottom of it, that is what needs to be mixed into the liquid.

If not, just shake it up good, and follow Mike's heating instructions. Be careful on the time though. I know in the microwave I use, if I cook it for 5 minustes, it might send me back in time! 8O

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Good point Woodsac, I should have pointed out that I usually nuke a 4 cup pyrex glass. Anything smaller and you'll have to watch your timing. As for Lurecraft, you'll have to pre-stir a whole lot more...that's one reason why I switched to Calhoun.

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Hey Amador, as long as the first batch you did does not smell burnt and look like moldy cottage cheese it is most likely OK, if it was mixed good to start with.

Just reheat it as Mike said. new uncooked plastic starts a white liquid , as it heats at about 300deg. it starts to turn real thickand gel. Keep sturing as it heats with a metal sturer of some kind that has a handle that won't burn you. When it hits 350 deg, it will turn back into a totally clear liquid and should be ready to pour. As it get up to about 400 deg. it starts to burn and turn a cloudy amber color if no colors or any thing was added. If there is color and glitter added it will just turn it darker and the glitter will turn dull.

AS far as clean up goes on any plastic if you coat your molds with a little worm oil just wait for it to cool you can peel any plastic out no problem. Let all plastic cool completely and you can peel it right out of a pyrex cup. Sometimes it is hard to get a corner started to pell it out though. If it burns in the cup is when you have a real problem it will stick then. You may need to take a wire wheel on a drill to clean it good.

For 2 piece molds the bigger the bait is the longer you have to wait. Sopme of my baits I have to wait 10 min. to peel them out of the mold the smaller baits like a senko size about 4 to 5 min. should do it. The more you pour the more the mold heats up and the longer you need to wait also. Remember to lay them out straight as the will keep any curve that they have in them when they cool for life. I put mine on a oiled flat pan, it makes it easier to possition them.

Hope this helps you out. FNF

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