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Alternatives to adding salt for weight

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I am in the process of gathering up the things I ned to start pouring my own. One thing that I am looking for is an alternative to adding salt, as all that does in addition to adding weight is rust your hooks.

Does any body use anything else?

Thank you for any inputs.


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the glass mades the baits float not sink.

I have tried many things to get a bait to sink like plaster of paris, sugar, sand , metal filings. So far all failed. Salt is still the best thing I have found

I grind mine to a fine fine powder and add it to the uncooked plastic.

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WHat I like to use is tungten powder, (the garbage the sold to make tungstin weights)

I use it in my worms when I am flipping the banks, this way I dont have to add weights, just take a worm out of the box and put a hook on it.

I also dont have to change rods or set-ups when I want to swap to a jerk baits(soft) or a senko.

I add it to the head only and the tail and body still have plenty of movement


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AT one time there was a guy who sold it on the internet.

I added it to the head of the worm while it was cooling, the stuff is heavy and goes to the bottom on hot plastic.

YOu can keep a little pan mixed with some of the stuff and just pour the head as well.


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