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An Actual Plastics Cookbook

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Hello everyone.

I received this private message yesterday from a popular person on this site, I will stay classy and leave this person un identified.

"You had posted that you would share you files with people who asked previously. If my request was to forward I apologize. Perhaps you should ask redg8r to edit that portion of your post where you said that so that you don't get requests from people you do not want to share with."

I want to make this straight, I was willing to send it to anyone and evryone, which I did, to over 200 people. I politely and respectfully posted that I would no longer be sending them because I could not get it to them in a timely manner and I was extremely busy. I work 40 hours a week, then at night I am trying to fill orders. I asked that others share it that I had given it to. I felt this was respectful and the right thing to do.

After I did that I have noticed that it has taken off in a whole new direction! I am proud of the fellow members who have taken this on and ran with it. It makes me feel good that I have contributed to this forum in a great way.

I just wanted to make sure that everyone knows that I am not "Not sharing with people I dont want to have it"

I feel this message attacked me a little and it was very rude.

Redgatr, you can amend my original post however you would like to reflect that I will no longer be sending out my cookbook. I will still contribute with recipes or even ask for help myself, but this became too much.

Thank you to everyone who has complimented me and thanking me for my selfless act of sharing this.

Sincerely, Greg-Awe Star Custom Baits

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And I'm sure everyone appreciates what you did. I know I do, and that's why I decided to do what I did and try and get this as a download. Will save a lot of time on everyones part. I'm surprised this was not done sooner. I was having trouble getting all the recipes in order, an lost some time searching online so figured this would help.

It was a team effort!!! Thanks to everyone.

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Hey Greg- you did the right thing and explained your situation. And Saltfisher stepped up and put together a version to make available. Then it was posted in this thread that the cookbook could be downloaded and uploaded on the forum and available to anyone registered on this forum. I even took a stab and made the cookbook in txt and Word format and said it was in the pinned Plastics Cookbook thread at the top of the Soft Baits section and available. Its too bad that someone won't take the time to read the whole thread to figure it out that they can have the cookbook anytime. If he would have put in the little effort to just download the cookbood instead of taking the time it took to hammer you about just sending you a copy it would work out better for everyone. So don't worry about the hassle. Its his problem not yours.

It was also requested that if someone wanted to add a color or recipe they could just add it to the cookbook and upload it to keep it current and up to date. Don't think that is happening either. I understand some aren't as computer savy and it is a problem for some. But if they can download a file and open it or type up an hassle email they can edit a document and upload it. That's part of why many like this site. Sharing the effort. Or as some said pay it forward.

Sometime I think if you offer a free service then next thing is someone will get upset when want you don't want to clean out their garage too. Sorry for venting. Now I feel better.

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If you guys can post the new recipes here, I will add them to the cookbook. For the people that sent me a pm about sending them the cookbook, it's downloadable. If you can't find or download it, I will send it via emai.

Thanks to everyone involved. I will keep updating this with new recipes every so often. Just send me a pm with recipes or post them here.

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