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mark poulson

D2t Question....gummy After Four Days

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I recently made a couple of Fat Rap-type baits for a friend. When I tested them, they didn't wiggle, so I decided to use wider bills.

When I removed the first bills, I found the D2T was still kind of gummy, even though it was four days old.

The D2T epoxy I used to seat them had a use by date of 2011. Is that the reason it never got hard?

I've use the same epoxy for years, with no problems, so I'm confused.


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That is almost the consistency of the epoxy! It got hard on the outside, but the inside was gummy, almost like when 5 minute epoxy gets wet and fails.

Thank Glenn.

Good advice.

It does seem to have a longer working time.

I just bought another 9oz. set, and only have 1/2" left in the old bottles, so I guess it's time to toss the old ones and start with the new.

It pains me to throw stuff away, but having to redo three bills is a pain.

The up side is that removing the bills is easier because the epoxy isn't hard.

Edited by mark poulson
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Mark before I threw the old stuff away I'd try mixing up a small batch for a test making doubly sure it was measured and mixed properly. Don't have to apply it to anything. Just leave it in whatever you mixed it in. If it does the same thing then you'll know the epoxy was probably bad.


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I recently had some rod guide repairs to do and found the resin was crystallized and the hardener was orange. You can fix resin by heating it but there's nothing to do for hardener. I did a test batch like Ben suggests and it never really hardened, so I tossed the remainder.

Problems like Mark's come down to the details. Was there anything in your epoxy mix besides epoxy? Is there any chance that a solvent was out-gassing from the body through the lip slot? If so, the closed lip slot may have prevented a solvent from escaping.

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I opened the new bottles, which have a use-by date of 2015, and it worked fine.

I am waaaaay too cheap! I tried to nurse that old stuff past it's 2011 date. It doesn't help that I keep it in my garage, which gets hot in the summer.

"I have met the enemy, and he is me". Hahaha

You may still eat expired foodstuff , Mark , ......a few more walks to the toilet and you're OK again , ......but no such cure for expired epoxy , .......been there , done that , .......both options :lol: !

cheers , Dieter :yay:

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