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Da big tuna

Snootie Jig Mold

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I bought this mold and for stick on eyes is call for 2.5. What does that mean? Also , do they sell finer wire hooks for that mold? Mustad 32786BLN is what its calls for. Looking to pitch weeds for walleyes and that hook is over kill. Also have a need for different style of weed guards. Anyone make a stranded wire that fits? I found a old round head weedless jig rhb-5-ay mold that takes the YG weed guards. Is there a wire one that they make that replaces it? Thanks

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Here are my answers to your questions. I'm sure others will chime in. Also hope Smalljaw posts, because he like myself loves this jig.

2d and 3d eyes: The 2.5 is the diameter (in millimeters) of the eye that is supposed to fit in the jig after it is poured. I personally feel that, that eye is too small. Also when you get into the bigger Snootie jigs, the 2.5 mm is definitely too small. I have a chart that I made that shows which 2d and 3d eyes fit which jigs. It is not finished, but PM me your e-mail and I will send it to you. My data is based on eyes bought from WTP. Also 2D eyes are different diameter than 3D eyes of the same size, as I have measuerd them and checked them.

Hooks: If you want a lighter hook, you can easily take an aberdeen hook and bend the hook eye shank and it will work. You can try it with the bronze hooks like the EC #570 or go to the Mustad brand and use a 32729 which should be a perfect fit. I can't vouch for the Mustad one because I never use light hooks for this mold.

Weedguard: If you want a wire weedguard in the mold instead of the stranded, fill the spot where the weedguard is supposed to go with high temp silicone. Make sure to keep silicone off the face of both mold halves. Once it cures, you can then position a wire weedguard in the mold where you want it, and then close the mold halves. The mold halves with the silicone inside will keep the wire weedguard from falling out. If you want to go back to the old weedguard , just pull out the silicone filler you put in.

Others will have more info. But this is a start.

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Tuna, if you want a wire weedguard all you need to do is put the weedguard in a rubber skirt collar and lay it in the slot right where the weedguard meets the head, once you position it there you can close the mold and use a little pressure to hold the mold closed tightly so you don't get any flash and then pour. If you got the postion of the collar right you may have a small mark where the wire is coming out of the head but it is a small indent, paint will cover it easily. As far as the hook, yeah, it may be overkill for walleye if you plan on using it to present live bait but if not it will be really good for big eyes. That jig is awesome BTW, it has a different fall to it and I use it for a lot of differnet things, 1st I make a compact flipping jig with it, and then I use it for a swim jig, and I also use it for a swimbait jighead, the beauty of this design is its ability to come through weeds, I've had a lot of guys try my 5/8oz in place of a normal 3/4oz flipping jig and they,like myself, ended up liking the smaller Snootie jig as it doesn't need a lot of weight to get through cover. Since you want to target walleye with it, there is another use, hair jigs, yep, the ball collar on the Snootie will make a perfect walleye jig with bucktail or maribou as the ball really makes the material flair out, I've made a few with bucktail, maibou and even craft hair. Don't worry about the hook, you'll come to appreciate it in the weeds!!

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This is my recommendation for the 1/8 oz Snootie Jig. 3mm (.169 dia.) for the 2d and 3mm (.186 dia) for the 3d eye. You can use the 2.5 it is just a little smaller. I like the biggest eye I can put on a jig especially on that jig because of the squared off type of body.

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