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Split Rings

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Hey Tim,

I'll be the first to take a wack at this.Do they want you to place split rings on all your baits that currently don't use them? I know baits like spooks,etc. don't use them.I don't see any cons to this way of thinking at all.With split rings,the hooks are able to move in a wider range reducing the chance of the fish gaining leverage and throwing the hook.Using split rings also allows for faster hook change should you brake a hook off...Nathan

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If the bait is a spook type bait, then this was started by Zell Roland. Nathan told you right on the idea behind this. The thought is that since

the current hangers on the spook only allow movement of the hook to go from center to the back of the bait that the fish can gain leverage to throw the bait. By using the split rings, the hooks have more freedom of movement making the bait tougher to throw. This is probably the reasoning behind Tim using split rings on his Boing lure. To do this...

remove the current hook hangers. Fill in the holes with epoxy. Drill a single hole in the belly and the tail. Put in some screweyes with some epoxy on the threads and put on your split rings and hooks. The pros in Texas started this stuff about 15 yrs. ago, around the same time they came up with shaving Pop-r lips. They use to put two screweyes in the belly and one in the tail adding an extra hook for better hookups. This is where the Super Spook came from with the 3 hooks on it. There was an article in Bassmaster in the past year or two on this. It was on Zell Rowland and topwaters. In it he explains the placement of the hooks and how to do it.


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