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A Couple Questions On Building A Hunting Crank

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I've never had the rhythmic hunting that Dave's lure has, but I do have a consistent and bold erratic hunt with my cranks.  However, I'm intrigued by the rhythmic hunt now.  I have an idea to try.


Duplicating the action of a mass produced bait is difficult enough, let alone going off of a Sasquatch-type video of a lure Dave produced!  The damn thing could have a microchip in it for all we know!  Or maybe he just moves the camera up and down as the lure passes ;)  

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As a private pilot (or should I say former private pilot.... It costs too dang much to make lures AND fly!!) I started thinking about things like CoG, the difference between taildraggers and nosewheel aircraft, weight and balance stuff and it certainly applies to my current thinking concerning producing a repeatable hunter.... Playing around with a stick, balancing it on my palm and letting it hang between my thumb and forefinger have given me some ideas about weight placement. Like so many have said here... There's a fine line between just enough and too much.... Anybody who has ever ground looped a taildragger knows that all too well!

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Incidentally, the first hunt I ever achieved was so wild, I doubted a fish could ever catch it, no exaggeration it was THAT wild. Being an impatient fool, I modified it to see effect instead of making a fresh lure. The effect was lost and I never saw it again.


My point is that there is a lot more out there than you might think and it has NOT all been done before. If there is one statement that makes me grin, it is "there is nothing new" :nuhuh:



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Incidentally, the first hunt I ever achieved was so wild, I doubted a fish could ever catch it, no exaggeration it was THAT wild. Being an impatient fool, I modified it to see effect instead of making a fresh lure. The effect was lost and I never saw it again.

My point is that there is a lot more out there than you might think and it has NOT all been done before. If there is one statement that makes me grin, it is "there is nothing new" :nuhuh:


I always chuckle when i recall that someone back in the 1800's stated that the patent office should be closed because everything that could be invented had already BEEN invented.... There is always, ALWAYS something new and amazing on the horizon....

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Ha! - I'm an aircraft designer - it helped a little bit :)


That must be a very interesting way to make a living!! Aviation has always been a passion and the things I have learned on my way to getting my ppl have helped me (even though I'm severly mathematically challenged....) in many other areas of life...

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making baits that are trolled at 3-5mph can be tricky. our lures need a wandering effect with return to center. muskys love that wander with wobble.<br />while all are tuned to run correct at the speeds theres always 1 that has magic. it can have no paint teeth marks everywhere but it still catches.thats the magic of hand built lures. that's why sharing info on this site gives every builder a view and thoughts.<br />theres always a better mouse trap.

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I've been busy with my new plastisol stuff and haven't been doing much with the balsa lately but I did try out some ideas that I had been kicking around. I put some weight up higher in the crank just a bit forward of CoG and was surprised at the results. I had always thought that you didn't want to have weight that high in a bait but i guess as long as you have weight at the bottom you can have that wiggle room, so to speak.... i see now what folks mean when they say its a comete system.... No one part of the puzzle is enough....

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Excellent!! At least we know what NOT to do!! You saved me (and maybe a few others) some time and frustration.... I had thought about trying that also....

My lures have a substantial amount of hunt anyway.  Perhaps if you have a straight line running lure it would work.  I didn't even get a wobble out of mine though. 

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Hi , folks ,


Just came across this video displaying the art of Finnish lurecrafting , .......check out the tank test at the end of the video , ...these Finnish minnows do sport a lovely hunting action IMO .


I only wonder , whether the action is solely generated by the oversized circular diving bill plus the line tie position or these lures also have some kinda ballast embedded , ....at least the latter is not displayed in the video , maybe they also don't want to reveal all of their secrets , .....or the lures are really unweighted ???


If unweighted , I also wonder , whether these minnows are carved from balsa or a somewhat less buoyant timber , ...maybe abachewood , .......they seem to run at three feet or so , a bit too deep for an unweighted balsa blank , maybe ?



Cheers , diemai :yay:

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Hi , folks ,


Just came across this video displaying the art of Finnish lurecrafting , .......check out the tank test at the end of the video , ...these Finnish minnows do sport a lovely hunting action IMO .


I only wonder , whether the action is solely generated by the oversized circular diving bill plus the line tie position or these lures also have some kinda ballast embedded , ....at least the latter is not displayed in the video , maybe they also don't want to reveal all of their secrets , .....or the lures are really unweighted ???


If unweighted , I also wonder , whether these minnows are carved from balsa or a somewhat less buoyant timber , ...maybe abachewood , .......they seem to run at three feet or so , a bit too deep for an unweighted balsa blank , maybe ?



Cheers , diemai :yay:



Thanks for posting this video......he has a great bait.

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I think he may be moving his test stick from side to side to get the hunting action.

The baits do look great!

In this case it won't be a hunting action  , but cheating :lol:  !


Gonna try to carve sucha bait coming weekend shift to find out , ...I ever wanted to see , what's about these oversized , round lips .


                       cheers , Dieter :yay:

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Looks like this is where the Rapala 'zig zag' or whatever it's called originated, these guys have been making these 'saddle' lips for ever, I think they make them out of 'Propionate' some how--

Any ideas Dieter?????? /

Here's another vid with some factory secrets, DON"T stop at the Romanian girls, you have to watch it all now!!!


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That's a cool video, and a great way to market!  I've been trying to find prices on their stuff, but haven't found anything.

On YouTube is a link to their site, .......sadly in Finnish language only :




Gotta utilize some kinda translator , ........the lure in the video seems to be the "Satku 100mm" , .....




..................click on pictures to see different colors available  , ....14 Euros excluding shipping(multiply by 1,3 to about convert into US Dollars) .



                     Greetz , diemai :yay:

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