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New Member From Alabama...

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Hey y'all - thanks for making such a fantastic resource for new lure makers! I grew up with a love of fishing and a passion for the outdoors. It started when I was about 8 years old at a small, private pond with a bobber, bologna and lots of channel catfish. We (my new-to-fishing dad, my sister and myself) Even developed a rivalry with "Grand Daddy" - a channel cat well over 15 pounds that broke line, straightened hooks and swam off with the net the one time we landed him. I'm pretty sure my cousin eventually drained the lake and ate the monster but thats how it goes in Mississippi sometimes...

From there I began bass fishing, thus my introduction to purchasing lures. I spent years buying all sorts of lures, learning how to fish for bass (any bass at all then). I eventually caught my first "monster bass" on a spinner bait in a 3-acre Missouri lake, on which I had spent 8 years learning to bass fish.

In the past several years I have really focused my efforts on trophy fish - bass, striper, rainbow & brown trout. I love to fly fish for all of these fish with large, hand-tied streamers of my own design. I still pull out the bait caster when targeting bass on lakes like Guntersville and others in the northeastern part of Alabama where my family and I live. I have been amazed how well hand made lures perform so I've slowly begun to ease into this new and creative hobby.

I am now almost 30, a proud young father of a two-year-old daughter who LOVES to fish. She has convinced my wife to go a few times but its when my wife isn't around that my daughter and I really haul in some big bass. She has seen some fish up close that are almost as tall as she is! Its been a treat seeing how much she enjoys spending time fishing with daddy. I look forward to many more days to come. And I will soon be breaking out the bobber and bologna...

I just wanted to say hello to everyone out there and thank you for the expertise and experience you offer to TU members! I can't wait to get more involved and no doubt, post some newbie questions. Y'all are the best...


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