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newbie paint ?s

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Hey I am new to luremaking and want to get set up and I'm looking at paint. I did a search and it seems like most of you are using Createx. So, what type of paint are you using - transparent, opaque, fluorescent? How does the epoxy clear coat affect the paint color? What's a few of your favorite colors?

On one hand I'm afraid I'll have a bunch paint sitting around after I bought not being used because I found out I dont like them. On the other hand I guess I could mix colors until I come up with something I like :)

Thanks - FB

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FishBooger, I use Createx all the time...depending on the project, but mostly use opaque, pearls, and fluorescent paint.

With the "basic" colors you can make a wide variety of shades and different color's. Black, White, Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Brown, Orange, etc. etc.

Right now I'm working on some Matzuo topwater lures, Traps, and a couple

Lucky Craft Sammy's.

Most products have one or two things ya just don't like about them. With the Createx paints I have yet to find just one. I have found they "look" better over a white primer coat. I use white auto primer for this purpose cause it will fill any little blemishes you might have created or missed during sanding.

(ever have a lure sanded to perfection and then drop it and put a nice big ding into it ...gggrrrr)

Hope this helps ya.

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Acrylics are a water-based paint. The nice thing about acrylics, is that you can thin it with water; but once that acrylic dries...it's totally waterproof. Pretty neat huh?

Got my first Createx yesterday at the expensive art supply store. That's when they showed me like...20 shelves of Createx and told me they were all made to match any auto paint. It will take me about a week to get to using them though. The Missus is going to do the air-brushing. 8O

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