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What Caused These Air Bubbles?

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The easiest way I've found to seal a POP mold is to mix some Elmers glue with water. I like to make it to a some what thick but runny liquid almost like syrup. Once you have your glue and water mixed you can then either brush it on the mold and let it sit for a minute then remove the extra that is sitting in the cavaties, or you can pour a little bit in the cavaty and swish it around. You gotta make sure that your mold is completely dry though before you seal it. I usually put mine in a oven on really low heat for about 30 minutes and check it. Another way is using Devcon 2 ton epoxy, make sure its the 30 minute kind,that will give you more time to work with it before it starts to cure and harden up. You can thin the epoxy with denatured alcohol. I only use epoxy on molds that don't have a lot of detail,some times the epoxy can ruin really fine detail. Good luck, I would do some searches on here with the search engine,alot of good answers on here by great people.

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